Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday October 15

Science Agenda (work day)

1. Scientific Paper - The Pocket Tanks Paper (post on blog)

1.5 Blog on the steps of the scientific process and a link to your work.

2. List of 20 poisonous or venomous animals (evernote)

3. Label which animals are species and which are groups from your list

4. Pick 5 and put down 2 questions for each one

5. Write frog vs human scientific paper (problem = Who jumps better, a frog or human)

6. Blog on how to get rid of cuban tree frogs (your own idea, even if it is crazy. Have fun, use pictures, diagrams, whatever!)

Bonus Ideas:
1. Video for frog vs human
2. Start research on your venomous or poisonous "major"

Here is the first period version of the Kingdom song

1 comment:

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!