Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Agenda Wednesday

Deadly Plants
Pick one of these assignments:
  1. Describe the special adaptaions of your two choices (GD or slideshow) - Include whe geographic location of where it can be found and the environment characteristics

  1. Describe the different genus of carnivorous plants in Florida. Make a cookbook style list of all necessary steps to care for each species. *

  1. Be an expert - Pick one genus of carnivorous plants - become an expert- *
  • Where is is found
  • What is the soil type
  • What is the yearly cycle (dormancy or not?)
  • How easy is it to propagate (different ways to propogate)
  • Endangered status
  • Anything else?

4. Assignments with a * will make you carnivorous plant certified (can take one home at the end of the unit perhaps)

5. Continue online courswork.

6. Here is the link to the carnivorous plant powerpoint :

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday April 20-21

This kid knows how to celebrate! Oh yeah!

Work Day-
1. Use the sidebar to find and complete your online coursework.

2. I will come around to each student individually to look at your progress and enter grades as necessary.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday April 14-15

1. Share Phylum posters as needed.

2. Outdoor observation adventure (results should be in your blog)

3. Science coursework

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!