Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Final Exam Link

- Your final exam link will be found here on Exam day:

Here are the pictures for the final exam:

Final Exam Rules:

  • you may use internet
  • you may use your study guide (10 pts bonus for full completion)
  • you may NOT use other students or other students study guides
  • you may NOT wander to other computers or have your gmail chat boxes open with other students

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday and Tuesday December 14-15

Science Agenda:

If you don't get asked to login, try this:

1. Alien Jelly fish found!

2. Study Day - Here are my recommendations:

  • fill out science study guide
  • Do science work from last class
  • Do science make-up work
  • Study guides for another class

3. If you are unfocused: watch this and you will feel better (seriously, don't watch this, it is a sick interpretation of Makenzie's MIND!!!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Agenda Thursday and Friday December 10-11

Science Agenda

1. Watch the video above. Put down the 4 most important things (you decided) into your BLOG for today. We will go back to the blog later. (20 pts)

1. List 4 differences (in your evernote page) between plant cells and animal cells: Use this w5ebsite: (20 pts)

3. Problem solving -(on your Blog) how does an organism grow? Bigger cells or more cells? Cite your answers (10 pts) -

4. Mitosis - How cells divide?

4.7 - Go to and draw the steps of mitosis. Here is how you put it on a document:

  • draw your work
  • goto file, then download the image to you comptuer - choose desktop
  • then open google docs
  • choose "new presentation"
  • press the upload image button
  • choose your image that you saved to the desktop
  • paste the image and you can add text boxes to label the parts

    4. 5 - Use the microscope to examine what you see in the slides provided. What sort of cells do you see? Use drawings, pictures from the internet or words to give descriptions - This is done on your Blog (20 pts)

    5. Next job - animate the steps of mitosis - label the parts of the cell (100pts)

  • label important parts of a cell (eukaryotic)

  • show the 6 steps of mitosis

  • choose a way to animate (powerpoint - flip book style, something else)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday December 8-9

Agenda - Last work day before you get new stuff

  • glogster (with citations)

  • find scientist and put scientist on my spreadsheet

  • compose and send email

  • make the changes your scientists recommends

  • send a polite reply (let me see it)

  • Start paper on protists -GO IN ORDER OR SCIENTIFIC PROCESS

  • Make spreadsheet for "record results" - if you identify 5 protists, it is an 'A' (as long as the rest of your paper is good"

  • Look below to yesterdays class to help identify protists

  • Have your paper peer reviewed by one classmate and put their name at the bottom : here is some 'A' work"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monday Decmeber 7

Agenda for Monday (go in this order)
1. Finish glogster (let me see it)
2. Find scientist
3. Compose and send email (let me see this)
4. Start the first 4 sections of your scientific paper
5. Use microscopes to view and identify protists
6. Fill out spreadsheet (the Record Results section)
7. Finish paper on protists (let me see it)
8. Become a coach for someone else

Here is a place that is about as good as the book at identifying protists -

Here is a begining of what will be on your final exam - look for a couple of minor changes over this week, but not much.

Here is some 'A' paper :

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday December 1-2

Science Agenda:

1. Check out this movie - Math and Tigers don't mix, or do they?

2. Top things to do:

  • finish Glogster for good

  • send email to scientist TODAY!

  • Complete paper on protists - Identify 5 and you get an 'A' - must be confirmed by me - there is a spreadsheet example on previous agendas

3. Quiz Quiz Trade - Brain Break

4. Grade Sheets Due at end of class

5. Other things to do -

  • Find another scientist if you do not have a response
  • Write your reply and have it checked by me

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday and Tuesday November 23-24

Science Agenda

1. Today is a work day.

1.5 - Have your email response to your scientist (if they wrote to you) checked by me before sending. Always copy me on the email when you contact a scientist.

2. You should be using the microscopes and investigating pond water. Here is an example of 'A' work spreadsheet!

2.5. Put some information in your evernote about these protist "main characters" - Stentor, paramecium, aboeba, spirogyra, blepharisma, paranema - also, these guys even though they are not protists - rotifer, daphnia,

3. Write your scientific paper on pond water investigations.

4. Look at ealier agendas to see what tasks you have.

5. Here is something cool: click on "camera trap" and see what they got on film:

7. Here is the data from our water testing in the creek. Copy and save this into your own google docs account so we can do something with it later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thursday November 19 - same as before

You Don't need sound with this video - use headphones if you do

Science Agenda
1. Log in to evernote, blogger, and google docs
1.5 Check email and be ready to respond politely to your scientist contact (if you have a contact) 3. Put these words and use your evernote to get descriptions - eukaryotic, prokaryotic, cell, protist, nucleus, flagella, cilia
4. Complete the S (State the problem), G (Gather information) , and H (hypothesis) of a scientific paper investigation on pond water
5. For the E (experiment), describe your steps and using a microscope
6. For the R (Record results) make a spreadsheet with the following fields - Observation # unicellular, multicellular, cilliate, flagellate, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, 10 second count (this helps you figure out how many protist there are in 10 seconds) , microenvironment description, water container #, water type, for 'A' students only protist identification - or. . .just be lazy and use my spreadsheet here :
7. This will help with identification: Riley K. found this great site!:
8. Here is a link to how to write a great email:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday November 15

Science Agenda Monday

It's a work day!
1. Finish your email to scientist (I sent you a good example)
2. Find your scientist
3. Let me know their name and university location
4. Finish any scientific papers (Cuban Tree Frogs, Pond water investigations)
5. Send email to Mr. C ( for Cunningham seal of approval
6. Work on glogsters
7. Anything else? See me

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday November 13

Agenda Friday (The 13th!!!)
1. Work Day
  • email to scientist
  • glogster
  • scientific paper on pond water
  • scientific paper on cuban tree frogs

Thursday, November 12, 2009

World Water Monitoring Day!

1. Watch this Video

2. Introduction to water monitoring day (open your evernote page for a couple of new words)

3. Water Testing and results

4. Do a blog on today's experience

5. Work on other work (glogster, email to scientist - check last classes agenda for examples, find scientist)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday and Tuescday November 9-10

Science Agenda:

1. Begin or Continue your research on what is in pond water: ask yourself these questions about your work:

  • Am I recording information accurately (which water I took from, what magnification I'm using, what species I think I saw, do I have a second opinion that I can document, )

  • Where exactly did I get my information when I identified it - internet, what site - book?

  • Did I write my hypothesis clearly?

  • Am I following the steps of a scientific paper?
2. Make a list of 3 possible contacts for your glogster project (outside scientists)
3. Send your email example to Mr. Cunningham
4. See me before sending your email - then send it if you are ready

Monday, November 2, 2009

Science Agenda November 3-4

Science Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday

1. Open Google Docs

2. Write an essential question (State the Problem) and hypothesis about the different types of pond water on the table. Thank about differences between water sources (where it comes from)

3. Under the (Experiment) section, write the directions on how to make a "wet mount" with the slides. Also, this is a good place to put a picture or explain what sort of equipment you are using.

4. Make wet mounts and record what you see. You can search for online pictures that match what you see, draw pictures (using paper or computers), compare sizes etc - use good accurate science.

5. Use internet, books etc to figure out what you are looking at. Bring more water for next class to continue research on what is in our water.

6. We will write a scientific paper on your results.
7. This will help with identification:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday November 2

Science Agenda

1. Take this survey first :

2. Email practice
  • You will practice your email to a scientist
  • Your shoulder partner is the "scientist"

3. Write an email to your scientist with a link to your work. You should have the following information

  • Your first name (no last names)
  • A one sentence description of who you are (grade level) and what school you attend
  • A one sentence description of your project and how they can get a hold of your teacher (Mr. H)
  • A polite request for them to veiw your project
  • 2-3 questions that you can ask them that will make your project better
  • A woking link to your project
  • A thank you and sincerely line

4. You will get an email from your partner and look for each of these things including spelling and grammer and check their email. Your partner will check yours

5. The email will then be sent to Mr. Cunningham for approval (

Here is a short example:

Hello,My name is Eliana. I am in 7th grade, currently attending P.K YongeDevelopmental Research School. I am doing a project in my scienceclass, and I would appreciate your opinion on the following:
- Is the information on this accurate?- Am I missing any information?- Do you find the information easy to understand, and appealing to read?
Please click here to view my project: "Put in glogster link"


PK Yonge

Teacher: Randy Hollinger


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday Final Work day 1st 9 weeks.

Here is an 'A' work glog!
Also, more here:

Warm-up 10 minutes
Class meeting and Goal setting (5 min)
Work session 1 (30 minutes)
Brain Break according to board (10 min)
Work session 2 (30 min)
Blog time (10 minutes)

Here are some things you can be working on today

  • pocket tanks scientific paper

  • cuban tree frog scientific paper (fill out the spreasheet first, the part where it asks how many times the body length the frog jumped, a bit of math)

  • vocabulary slide show

  • glogster on poisonous or venomous animal

  • list of 3 scientific contacts to send email to (goes in evernote)

  • Your email composition asking for the scientist to look and asses your glogster (if you have a good one, we can use it as a model for other students)

  • Any animal certifications
  • Grade sheets:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday October 27-28

1. Warm-up (10 minutes) open google docs, evernote, glogster, blogger
2. Class meeting and set goals for the day (a work day)
3. Session One (goal 1) (30 minutes)
  • pocket tanks paper
  • slide show on vocab
  • glogster on venomous or poisonous creature

Brain break - (10 minutes) mix pair share

4. Session 2 (30 minutes) goals

  • Finish the above things
  • write email to scientist to ask them to view your work
  • daily Scientific Paper on cuban tree frogs

5. Last 10 minutes - update blog - what was accomplished, what is still to be done, what successes did you have

6. Here is list of work that is to be done and will be graded (only if it is done)
  • scientific paper - pocket tanks
  • scientific paper - cuban tree frogs vs humans
  • slide show on vocabulary words
  • glogster on deadly creature
  • Evernote page
  • email composition and location of scientist to look at your glogster (do not email yet)
  • blog (daily now)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thursday and Friday October 22 and 23

1. Go to this link and post the information into your evernote page.

2. Class meeting - have your past work available for grading when I can come by

3. Goal 1 (30 minutes)
  • sign into glogster
  • pick one venomous or poisonous creature from your evernote list
  • Give you glogster a title
  • post 2 pictures
  • Write down the 5 most important things about your creature (your own words)

4. Game break

5. Goal 2 (30 minutes)

  • post a relevent video on your creature
  • List the top 3 best websites that relate to your topic (these should be tagged in delicious)
  • Write down 3 important questions you have that you could not answer (your own words)
  • compose an email (DO NOT MAIL YET) to a real scientist that studies your creature to see if they would be willing to look at your glogster for scientific validity (hard words huh)

6. Class checkout and glogster sharing

7. Things to do if you finish early

  • make a glogster about the class animal of your choice to get certified
  • finish your scientific paper on tree frogs vs humans (remember the 6 steps)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday October 19

1. Watch this Video

2. I will interupt you to start something new and fun

3. Sign in to glogster with the username and password I give you
4.5 Choose one of these topics - 1. behavioral vs physical adaptations, 2. old world vs new world tarantulas, 3. poisonous vs venomous, 4. species vs groups of living things 5. A deadly creature from your list

5. It should have the following

  • TitleAuthor - First name/Last initial

  • One paragraph of original text. (Must be in your words, not copied from website.)

  • Audio that gives a scientific description of animal (or whatever - think creepy)

  • Two images with links to the original photograph given under the image.

  • One appropriate video if you can find one.

  • Neatly designed and easily understood by visitors

Here is Amanda's from 2nd period :

I will grade the following on Friday. If you are not done, you will not get a grade.

  • Scientific Paper on Pocket Tanks (100pts)
  • Scientific Paper on Cuban Tree frogs (100pts)
  • Evernote notes and deadly creature list (30 pts)
  • Slide show on vocabulary words (behavioral adaptations, venomous etc) (50 pts)
  • Glogster from Today (50 pts)

Here are some SWEET glogs that some other people made:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday October 15

Science Agenda (work day)

1. Scientific Paper - The Pocket Tanks Paper (post on blog)

1.5 Blog on the steps of the scientific process and a link to your work.

2. List of 20 poisonous or venomous animals (evernote)

3. Label which animals are species and which are groups from your list

4. Pick 5 and put down 2 questions for each one

5. Write frog vs human scientific paper (problem = Who jumps better, a frog or human)

6. Blog on how to get rid of cuban tree frogs (your own idea, even if it is crazy. Have fun, use pictures, diagrams, whatever!)

Bonus Ideas:
1. Video for frog vs human
2. Start research on your venomous or poisonous "major"

Here is the first period version of the Kingdom song

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday October 13-14

Cuban Tree Frogs on the Rise

1. Read this and then tag it into your evernote

2. Make a list of physical adaptations regarding your cuban tree frog, Here is a helpful link:

2.5 - KID vs FROG - you will need some paper for this one as we can not take the computers outside! Here is a sample spreadsheet.

3. Label the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and species of the frog and try to tell what each group means. (For example, Animal kingdom - living things that are made of many cells, eat and move)

3.5 - Make a blog about a possible to solution on how to get rid of Cuban Tree frogs from your house.
3.7 - Make a shorter version of a scientific paper including your spreadsheet and the problem is labled - Who is a better jumper, the human or cuban tree frog? (this question is State the Problem) - ****Try using video!!****

4. Here is what they sound like

5. You can finish other work if you have time (see earlier agendas)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Here is a REALLY venomous creature!! Wow!!

0. (FIRST PERIOD ONLY!!) Go to and join by clicking "get started" (I'll explain how to use this site in 20 minutes)

1, Finish your slideshow (using google docs) - (20 pts) - here is an example of almost complete 'A' work from Marquis - - Check yesterdays blog for more details

2. Use evernote to make a list of 20 poisonous or venomous creatures. (10 points)

3. Label which examples you put were actually one species or it they are in fact a group of animals (10 points)

4. Choose 5 species from your list and make 2 essential questions for each one (an essential question asks for important information that must be explained, not just answered. ) (20 points)

5. If finished, work on your scientific paper or getting certified for all class speciments - that's right, there is no "done" in this class, only "doing well!"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday October 7 and 8

Here is a creature that I can't decide if it is poisonous or venomous. What do you think?

Science Agenda
0.5 - Go to and sign up for an account (your your same passwords and usernames so you DON'T FORGET!)
1. Go to google docs
2. Choose "new" and choose "presentation"
3. Make 4 slides and title them "behavioral adaptations", "physical adaptations", "venomous", and "poisonous" (20 points) - here is a starting example from Jordyn
4. Use pictures, images, diagrams or words to help show what the words mean for each slide
5. Make a short blog about these vocabulary words and provide a link to your presentation (10 points)
5. Have your scientific paper peer reviewed by 2 students (email them and have them email back suggestions) (whole paper 100 points)
6. Post your paper as a button on symbaloo (10 points)
7. Make a blog about the scientific process (scooby got hurt eating roasted chicken) and post a link to your work (10 points)
8. Make a list of 20 poisonous and venomous creatures (on evernote) (10 points)
9. Label which animals are "species" and not a larger group (we will go over how to do this if you are confused) (10 points)
10. Choose 5 species from your list and make 2 essential questions for each - these are questions that ask about something important about your species - (10 points)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday October 5

Science Agenda
1. Go to your symbaloo page
2. Click on your page name
3. Click "share it"
4. Copy the website address it gives you
5. Complete the form and paste your website here

5.5 - The Truth about Tarantulas - venomous creatures!! - words of the day (put in your notes) venomous, poisonous, behavioral adaptations, physical adaptations, old world, new world
5.5 Post a link to your scientific paper (you can work on this if you are not done. I will be comming around to put in official grades)
6. Get started on your deadly creature requirments here
7. Get certified for class animals.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Agenda Thursday October 1

1.5 Finish the agenda items from last class (scroll down below until you see the date from last class) - there is some other stuff to do after you finish your paper

1.7 Vote on worlds scariest creature blogs - only the completed blogs

2. Intro to "Venomous and Poisonous Creatures!" ( I will blank you out about half way through class)

3. Click here to get started!

4. Add all good internet sites to your delicious account (you should have tagged many more, probably 10 or more- find the fun sites!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday September 29-30

Science Agenda

1. Finish scientific paper (scooby got hurt eating roasted chicken) here is ALMOST A work!

1.5 Have at least 2 students read through your paper
1..7 Make corrections as suggested by your peers
2. Post your finished work as a button on your symbaloo page
3. Make a short blog about what you do when you are going to write a scientific paper
4. Post your paper as a link on todays blog.
5. Post a link to at least 2 of your friends papers. (most likely the ones you read)
6. Finish vocab on notefish
7. Work on certifications (5 delicious marks, a notefish page, and a nice blog)
8. Fill out symbaloo form (I will help with this)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monday September 28

Science Agenda

Snakes loose in Florida - read this -

1. Monday work day - here is what you should work on in order of what is most important

  • write your scientific paper on pocket tanks (do your spreadsheet first if you have not done this) here is an example
  • check your symbaloo site and make sure all buttons are there and working, this should be checked off by a partner or another student
  • finish all vocabulary words and make sure you have the steps of the scientific process in your notes
  • Make sure you and your partner have a blog site with your vote for worlds scariest animal!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday September 23-24

1. Give your partner one compliment

2. Clean-up symbaloo time (10 minutes)

3. Pocket Tanks-a-Rama!!

4. Learning the Scientific Method or (scooby got hurt eating roasted chicken)

5. Play pocket tanks with your shoulder partner -

  • State the Problem - what is your essential question (has to be a question)
  • Gather information - state what you know about the subject
  • Hypothesis - What is your guess (angle or power is best. . .or both?)
  • Experiment - What are your steps- this is a challenge to be as accurate as possible in your steps -
  • Record and Analyze - Using google spreadsheet, keep a close record of each move - this is called data
  • Conclusion - After looking at your results, and making graphs perhaps, what do you conclude about your hypothesis? Is further testing needed? Are you using your actual results to discuss your argument?

Here is a sample spreadsheet!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday September 21

Hey, I bet some of you have these around your house! I do!!

1. Check to make sure you are on the LAN school so I can supervise your work, if not, go to yesterday's agenda and download the link.

1.3 Add these vocabulary words to your vocabulary page under notefish : Law, Theory, Hypothesis

1.5 Finish blog on your vote for worlds scariest creature.

2. If you finish early, you should

  • finish vocabulary words from today and last class (look below if you missed these)
  • complete certifications for you class animals of choice


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thursday and Friday September 17-18

My vote for scariest animal (if you're a cricket!?) Click Here

  1. Log on to all applications and download
  2. Watch the video from
  3. Then answer these questions on notefish:
  • Rate this creature in terms of how dangerous it is (10=very dangerous, 1=harmless)
  • Why do you think the Harry Potter movie used this creature instead of something else like a bunny
  • What group of animals is this similar to?

  1. Make a new notefish section titled "vocabulary" put these words in it : empirical, nocturnal, diurnal, arboreal, terrestrial, omnivore, insectivore, carnivore, herbivore - define them with words or pictures (your choice)
  2. You and your shoulder partner agree on the worlds scariest animal

  3. Partner A makes up 3 questions about the animal (put on Notefish)

  4. Partner B makes up 3 questions about the animal (Put on notefish)

  5. Partner B closes computer and helps partner A put up their blog information
  6. All Class vote on scariest animal according to blogs only

Monday, September 14, 2009

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday September 15-16

WARNING!! Very creepy and sort of gross!

Awesome Video Here!!

1. Turn in permission forms
2. Log on computers to
3. Log on to the following – symbaloo, delicious, notefish, blogger
4. Rename your symbaloo page pky(your name and last initial) example: pkyjoef
5. Use a grade sheet and go through each of these tabs with your shoulder partner
6. Switch sides and look at your partners work and discuss each other’s grades
7. Give help as needed so that both of you are up to date.
8. If you finish – you and your partner do a web quest together to find the scariest real animal on Earth – you will have to agree with each other- both of you should have notes in your notefish and tag these sites with delicious
9. Game Break
10. Go back to #8 in this agenda – make your blog to explain why your animal is scariest!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Agenda Monday September 14

Download this plugin if you can not see this video

First - Go to this website:

Download all of the stuff - keep pressing yes, I agree, download now and so on

You have some choices today

1. Finish the assignments from Thursday and Friday - Let me know when you are ready for your grades: I belive grades should be your choice.

2. If you are happy with your progress from last week, those of you that are certified for axoltols can catch your axolotl and meet me for a session on how to feed your axolotl - this information will of course be in your notes and today's blog. If you finish this work, go on to #3.

2.5 Axolotl people MUST join this site:
3. If you are happy with your grades and are not certified for the axolotl, do this:

  • Answer this question: What is the scientific method? Use notefish first to gather information relating to this question
  • Use delicious to mark 5 or more sites under the tag "pkyscience" and "scientificmethod"
  • Start preparing a good document (presentation) using google docs, or using your blog to describe exactly what this means.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Agenda September 10 and 11

Todays Agenda
1. log in to all applications - blogger, notefish, symbaloo, delicious, email, google documents

2. Today you will be graded on the following things. Look at the job and look at the points. Do your best and have fun.

  • symbaloo (18 pts - 3pts per button) you should have buttons for the following: your blog, the science agenda (this blog), delicious, notefish, your email, google docs
  • blogger (50 points) a nice post about your topic. Well written and organized : 35 points (C) - you have a nice well written blog about your topic, 40 points (B) - You have a well written blog and included some pictures that help explain your topic, 50 points (A) - you have a nice blog with pictures and bonus material such as video, gadgetts or other creative ideas
  • delicious (20 points) you can show me at least 5 websites on your topic that you have tagged properly under your sign-in
  • email (10 points) - you are able to recieve my emails and have many class contacts
  • Google Documents (10 points) - you have a google documents account
  • Notefish - (30 points) - you have more than one section in your notes with the websites you got your information from posted

Make sure you are talking to your partner and working together. It might help to "play teacher" and grade each other before I make it around.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

science agenda September 9

Is this science? Write about it in your blog later today!

Things to Do

1. Log onto computer

1.5 Check email

2. Log into symbaloo

3. Log into notefish

4. Log into delicious (or sign up)

  • tag at least 5 sites on your topic (remember, the first word in the tag is ALWAYS pkyscience)

5. Pick your topic (axolotls, bearded dragons, or chameleons)

6. Use this topic to make a nice organized note page (this will be graded Friday)

7. Make sure symbaloo has a button for each thing you are using in the above list

8. Sign up for a blog at

9. Make a blog about your topic (axolotls, bearded dragon, chameleon)

  • your blog title must be pky(your first name)(last initial)
  • same name for your domain site
  • never use your last name for anything when signing up, just initial

10. Sign-up and follow my blog and at least 3 other students in our class (or other periods)

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!