Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday October 7 and 8

Here is a creature that I can't decide if it is poisonous or venomous. What do you think?

Science Agenda
0.5 - Go to evernote.com and sign up for an account (your your same passwords and usernames so you DON'T FORGET!)
1. Go to google docs
2. Choose "new" and choose "presentation"
3. Make 4 slides and title them "behavioral adaptations", "physical adaptations", "venomous", and "poisonous" (20 points) - here is a starting example from Jordyn http://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0ASwDmCH3T3ttZGQ2ODRyNTlfMmdoa2M4Nmht&hl=en
4. Use pictures, images, diagrams or words to help show what the words mean for each slide
5. Make a short blog about these vocabulary words and provide a link to your presentation (10 points)
5. Have your scientific paper peer reviewed by 2 students (email them and have them email back suggestions) (whole paper 100 points)
6. Post your paper as a button on symbaloo (10 points)
7. Make a blog about the scientific process (scooby got hurt eating roasted chicken) and post a link to your work (10 points)
8. Make a list of 20 poisonous and venomous creatures (on evernote) (10 points)
9. Label which animals are "species" and not a larger group (we will go over how to do this if you are confused) (10 points)
10. Choose 5 species from your list and make 2 essential questions for each - these are questions that ask about something important about your species - (10 points)

1 comment:

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!