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First - Go to this website:
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You have some choices today:
1. Finish the assignments from Thursday and Friday - Let me know when you are ready for your grades: I belive grades should be your choice.
2. If you are happy with your progress from last week, those of you that are certified for axoltols can catch your axolotl and meet me for a session on how to feed your axolotl - this information will of course be in your notes and today's blog. If you finish this work, go on to #3.
2.5 Axolotl people MUST join this site:
3. If you are happy with your grades and are not certified for the axolotl, do this:
- Answer this question: What is the scientific method? Use notefish first to gather information relating to this question
- Use delicious to mark 5 or more sites under the tag "pkyscience" and "scientificmethod"
- Start preparing a good document (presentation) using google docs, or using your blog to describe exactly what this means.
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