Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thursday and Friday September 17-18

My vote for scariest animal (if you're a cricket!?) Click Here

  1. Log on to all applications and download
  2. Watch the video from
  3. Then answer these questions on notefish:
  • Rate this creature in terms of how dangerous it is (10=very dangerous, 1=harmless)
  • Why do you think the Harry Potter movie used this creature instead of something else like a bunny
  • What group of animals is this similar to?

  1. Make a new notefish section titled "vocabulary" put these words in it : empirical, nocturnal, diurnal, arboreal, terrestrial, omnivore, insectivore, carnivore, herbivore - define them with words or pictures (your choice)
  2. You and your shoulder partner agree on the worlds scariest animal

  3. Partner A makes up 3 questions about the animal (put on Notefish)

  4. Partner B makes up 3 questions about the animal (Put on notefish)

  5. Partner B closes computer and helps partner A put up their blog information
  6. All Class vote on scariest animal according to blogs only

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Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!