Thursday, May 27, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday May 27 - 28

Beach Ball Science

(Counts as one assignment, or you can place multiple state standards on this assignment)

1. Question - does movement help the power you can put into kicking a beach ball? (S)

2. (G) - This could be done using past experience

3. (H) - Your guess

4. (E) - Steps - not too many, just enough

5. (R) - What happened

6. (C) - Talk about your results, be specific

When done, you can work on assignment list or standards work

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday May 25-26

Standards Based Learning - an alternative

How to do standards based learning - it's actually quite easy

1, Find and choose your standards for your subject (in this case life science) - go to

2. See which assignments you can match the standard to


3. Do research on a subject your like (web, field trip, anything)

4. Create an artifact and place the standard on the artifact

5. Defend your knowledge (public in class, to an expert, many possibilities here)

****This can be done instead of the regular science curriculum if you choose****

Monday, May 24, 2010

Agenda Monday May 24

Hello All,

Today is a symbaloo check. This page will be your "portal" to your e-portfolio. This should be your focus today. Also, any students wanting to present your 20% projects should do so. Have a great day - Mr. H

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Agenday Tuesday and Wednesday May 18-19

The Life of Spore : Warm-up

1. Fill out your goal cards

2. Prepare grades for all assignments.

3. Choose your goals (including today's alternate choices)

The mystery of the non-living aquarium!

Guess what life forms exist (if any)

Take samples from aquarium out back (it started clean) and see what life forms can be found (microscope) - Describe in your blog what you guess is (before looking). Describe what you see. Use internet sources to help you figure out what you found.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mythbusters to attack our video Wednesday night

Remember this video, Mythbusters is going to attack this on Wednesday night this week!! Check it out, blog about it and get one assinment credit!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday and Friday May 13-14

Human Growth and Reproduction:

We will be using the following website to assist us. This site is peer reviewed by professionals and is age appropriate. You must stay on the site and be in the domain of /sexualhealth/. Those words must be at the top of your address bar. I will explain how to do this before you begin. The site is interesting and relevent to adolesent people your age.

This is the site :

You will provide evidence of learning linked from your symbaloo site. Your evidence will be choice by you that shows you have learned what you set out to learn. Enjoy learning.

When you are done, you may begin your science course work. Thank you - Mr. Hollinger

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday May 06

1. Work Day -

2. Grading for all students

3. Drop any one assignment if you do this writing promp (it will take 15-30 minutes to do)

  • Using your knowledge of the scientific method, design a controlled experiment that examines the effect of differing amounts of fertilizer on plant growth. Include the following five terms in your discussion: Hypothesis, control group, variable, constant, data .

4. Check out the real carnivorous plants, they are cool!

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!