Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Agenda now until Final Exams


This is our last agenda for the year. The week looks like this:

1. Day one - one on one grading half the class ; other students study for finals, finish courswork, prepare final exam
2. Day two - one and one grading other half ; othe students study and prepare

You have one exam and an opportunity for extra points if you choose:

Final Exam - multiple choice - 200 pts- All questions will be made directly from the state standards found here http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AaoG5TaoiHZMZGMyajl0cHFfMjY1cHBkN2o4ZGM&hl=en

Creative Choice -(Bonus 50 pts) research based and problem solving :http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AaoG5TaoiHZMZGMyajl0cHFfMjY2ZmhwZnZuZDI&hl=en

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday May 27 - 28

Beach Ball Science

(Counts as one assignment, or you can place multiple state standards on this assignment)

1. Question - does movement help the power you can put into kicking a beach ball? (S)

2. (G) - This could be done using past experience

3. (H) - Your guess

4. (E) - Steps - not too many, just enough

5. (R) - What happened

6. (C) - Talk about your results, be specific

When done, you can work on assignment list or standards work

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday May 25-26

Standards Based Learning - an alternative

How to do standards based learning - it's actually quite easy

1, Find and choose your standards for your subject (in this case life science) - go to http://www.floridastandards.org/

2. See which assignments you can match the standard to


3. Do research on a subject your like (web, field trip, anything)

4. Create an artifact and place the standard on the artifact

5. Defend your knowledge (public in class, to an expert, many possibilities here)

****This can be done instead of the regular science curriculum if you choose****

Monday, May 24, 2010

Agenda Monday May 24

Hello All,

Today is a symbaloo check. This page will be your "portal" to your e-portfolio. This should be your focus today. Also, any students wanting to present your 20% projects should do so. Have a great day - Mr. H

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Agenday Tuesday and Wednesday May 18-19

The Life of Spore : Warm-up

1. Fill out your goal cards

2. Prepare grades for all assignments.

3. Choose your goals (including today's alternate choices)

The mystery of the non-living aquarium!

Guess what life forms exist (if any)

Take samples from aquarium out back (it started clean) and see what life forms can be found (microscope) - Describe in your blog what you guess is (before looking). Describe what you see. Use internet sources to help you figure out what you found.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mythbusters to attack our video Wednesday night

Remember this video, Mythbusters is going to attack this on Wednesday night this week!! Check it out, blog about it and get one assinment credit!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday and Friday May 13-14

Human Growth and Reproduction:

We will be using the following website to assist us. This site is peer reviewed by professionals and is age appropriate. You must stay on the site and be in the domain of /sexualhealth/. Those words must be at the top of your address bar. I will explain how to do this before you begin. The site is interesting and relevent to adolesent people your age.

This is the site : http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/

You will provide evidence of learning linked from your symbaloo site. Your evidence will be choice by you that shows you have learned what you set out to learn. Enjoy learning.

When you are done, you may begin your science course work. Thank you - Mr. Hollinger

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday May 06

1. Work Day -

2. Grading for all students

3. Drop any one assignment if you do this writing promp (it will take 15-30 minutes to do)

  • Using your knowledge of the scientific method, design a controlled experiment that examines the effect of differing amounts of fertilizer on plant growth. Include the following five terms in your discussion: Hypothesis, control group, variable, constant, data .

4. Check out the real carnivorous plants, they are cool!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Agenda Wednesday

Deadly Plants
Pick one of these assignments:
  1. Describe the special adaptaions of your two choices (GD or slideshow) - Include whe geographic location of where it can be found and the environment characteristics

  1. Describe the different genus of carnivorous plants in Florida. Make a cookbook style list of all necessary steps to care for each species. *

  1. Be an expert - Pick one genus of carnivorous plants - become an expert- *
  • Where is is found
  • What is the soil type
  • What is the yearly cycle (dormancy or not?)
  • How easy is it to propagate (different ways to propogate)
  • Endangered status
  • Anything else?

4. Assignments with a * will make you carnivorous plant certified (can take one home at the end of the unit perhaps)

5. Continue online courswork.

6. Here is the link to the carnivorous plant powerpoint : http://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AaoG5TaoiHZMZGMyajl0cHFfMjQ3aHE0a3o4Y3E&hl=en

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday April 20-21

This kid knows how to celebrate! Oh yeah!

Work Day-
1. Use the sidebar to find and complete your online coursework.

2. I will come around to each student individually to look at your progress and enter grades as necessary.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday April 14-15

1. Share Phylum posters as needed.

2. Outdoor observation adventure (results should be in your blog)

3. Science coursework

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Agenda Wednesday, Thrusday, and Friday March 31, April 1,2

Hello - Use your google calendar and look at the goals you have set and the assignments you will choose. I will be comming around and grading what you have done.

FILL THIS SURVEY OUT PLEASE NOW!! - http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22AF9GE564Z

Here is some useful links for your Florida Endangered Project

Focus on the following research directions:

  • What it is, in normal English?
  • In what part of Florida does it live?
  • To which natural community does it belong? (this one is really important!)
  • Who out there seems to know a lot about this species?
  • What seems to be its problem?
  • What is threatening its survival?

Monday, March 29, 2010

20% day

Work on your 20% projects. Double check your google calendar.

1. FILL OUT THIS FORM NOW!! (please) : http://spreadsheets.google.com/a/pkyonge.ufl.edu/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFlBUTVFRDNPUjk3MlR2QTVSNlVDQXc6MA

If you have not done so already, go to this link and put in your computer #: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDZHQ2FyeGUwbXduR2lmNXRNa0RwYkE6MA

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday March 17

Organize yourself Day!!!!

1. Show that you can logon to "mygradebook.com"

2. Check and read the 3 units on the sidebar of this blog

3. Use your google calendar to set what days you will finish which assignment.

4. Send a copy of your calendar to one student and your parent.

5. If you have email records that your finished the above, you my begin science work or engage in a certified brain game.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Agenda Monday March 15

1. Fill out this form if you didn't check your email https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEVaUXlXYTI5bEl3YWJtVnc2dlJwQ3c6MA
1.5 Computer # form - fill this out also if you haven't already https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDZHQ2FyeGUwbXduR2lmNXRNa0RwYkE6MA
1.6 - Parent email form is here - https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGx6d2hjbjJMX091NnRDRlgyMk1xOXc6MA

2. PLEASE update you symbaloo pages!! Put ALL assingments on your page

  • New scientific paper on Darwin's Birds
  • Florida Endangered Page
  • Anything else?

3. Work on 20% projects - Decide how it will be shared.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Agenda Thursday March 11

Microscopic Adventure

1. Prepare a notebook and something to write with

2. Make a venn chart for your observations

3. Share a microscope with a partner

4. Put diagram on your blog

Then. . .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Agenda Monday March 8

20% Day

1. Start a google calendar.
2. Write down what you think your due date should be.
3. See what else you can do with your calendar.
4. Continue your 20% work.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Friday March 4 - Sub Plans

Sub Plans for Friday March 4

You will be using the desktop computer to do these plans. The computer will show up on the front screen not the actual computer monitor. If you need assistance, students may help.

1. Watch the video Titled - Discovery Evolution (it will be saved on the desktop of the computer and also in the class flash drive)

2. Have students use their own paper and pencil to answer the following questions

  • Name more than one idea that scientists believe caused a mass extinction of the dinosaurs.

  • What conditions are necessary to sustain life on Earth?

  • How was natural selection discussed in the video?

  • What do hominid fossils tell us about our own anscestors?

4. Use green books and answer questions 1-7 on page 161 about evolution and natural selection if time permits.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thursday and Friday March 4-5

1. Work Day - The one and only day they can use the word "Done" (that's right, the four letter 'D' word)
2. Library visit to look at senior projects
3. You can choose any game we have used in science this year when you are checked off, graded and done.
4. You can also continue work on your 20% project

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday March 2

Work Day

Jobs to be done:
1. Scientific paper on bird beak lab - (peer reviewed by student and adult before grading)
2. Florida Endangered page (google doc) (photo, elementary answers to Mr. Cunningham's research questions)
  • What it is, in normal English?
  • In what part of Florida does it live?
  • To which natural community does it belong? (this one is really important!)
  • Who out there seems to know a lot about this species?
  • What seems to be its problem?
  • What is threatening its survival?

3. Build a fish : Build a Fish : http://sea.sheddaquarium.org/sea/interactive_module.asp?id=7#

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday February 29 2010

1. Answer or revise your driving question as needed. Must be approved by Mr. H
2. Fill your evernote page with valid and useful web pages relating to your topic (includeing pictures if that helps)
3. Make a list of experts with contact information that can be contacted. (phone #, skype, email etc)
4. Create one google doc that you will use as a planning page - Write about what your finished product will look like.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday Februrary 25-26

1. Organize your information : an official scientific paper on Darwin's Birds (your lab you did last class)
- State the problem (from lab)
- gather information (done together and/or alone) try this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcjgWov7mTM
-Hypothesis - (your guess)
- experiment (steps, can this be copies exactly)
- Results (your spreadsheet and graphs)
-Conclusion - tie together the results with what your learned about Darwin and the finches. (The questions from yesterday will guide a good conclusion)

2. You paper must be peer reivewed by one student and one adult. (Hint, try emailing your parents or family or friends) - You can make your document shared.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday February 23-24

1. Watch Darwin and his tortoises.

2. Prepare logs for ""Survival of the Fittest"

3. Survival lab

--To get an 'A'

  • a spreadsheet completed by all group members
  • at least 3 different graphs
  • Proof that relates to multiple data when answering the questions from the link below

--To get a 'B'

  • a spreadsheet completed by all group members
  • a graph that helps explain your results
  • proof that relates to your data when answering the questions below

--To get a 'C'

  • a spreadsheet completed by all group members
  • no data proof in your answers from the link below

6. Here are the questions : https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AaoG5TaoiHZMZGMyajl0cHFfMjI1ZHBoaHZ6Y3Q&hl=en

7. Here is a spreasheet example :https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AqoG5TaoiHZMdFFjMDctZ3RNVEtIcmkyWU56dVZtM2c&hl=en

Agenda Monday February 22

1. Go to your email

2. Open the spreadsheet I sent you.

3. Wait for me

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Science Agenda and Sub Plans Thursday and Friday February 18-19

Hello Students - Have a great day and here is what you will do together.

  1. Pick one student to be in charge of the teacher desktop computer
  2. Take attendance (done by sub using sheets on desk)
  3. Check seating chart and have all students in the wrong seat do plan B (see below)
  4. Have all students prepare themselves with a notebook and something to write with
  5. Watch this video (17 minutes) on evolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcjgWov7mTM
  6. Make comic book about the moths from the video - what happened first? what changed that put pressure on a certain color? who survived? Make sure you use little baloons for their voices, have fun with it.
  7. Take some time to share your comics with the class one person at a time.
  8. Now check this out : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCXzcPNsqGA
  9. Write a response to this video: how is it like the other video? which video explained it better for you
  10. The more generations are born, the easier it is to study and witness evolution. What type of living things would be possible to see evolution and natural selection take place. What types of living things would be very difficult to view in a human lifetime (i.e. long living things)
  11. If you have time after all of this, you may read the chapter on evolution from the green science book (dont' worry, you dont' have to do any questions) and explain how it is similar or different from these videos. Which way helps you learn the most?

Plan B-

Read the chapter on Evolution from the green text book in the office. Answer all checkup questions and end of chapter questions. Also, do two column notes from all vocabulary words in the chapter.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Agenda Wednesday and Thursday February 10-11

0. Math challenge (optional if you dare) - what is the lowest number divisible by the numbers 1-10?

1. (Do not start until Mr. H says go) - Look up information on how Natural Selection and Evolution work together. You have 25 minutes. (cite EVERYTHING!) - Evernote will help with this

2. Create a shared document (google) between you and your shoulder partner.
  • one partner will work on Natural Selection, the other partner will work on Evolution.

    3. Be as creative and as clear as possible on how these two scientific concepts work together.
  • How does this relate to the game Pandemic or the Darwin game from earlier agendas?
  • How does it relate to the similarities and differences between tiger salamanders and axolotls?
  • How does it relate to making the varsity basketball or baseball team?
  • What evidence do scientists use to explain these concepts?
  • How does it relate to resistent bacteria and the overuse of antibiotics?
  • Some other way to explain it?

4. This work will be publicly presented in the last 20 minutes of class.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Agenda Monday and Tuesday February 8-9

1. Work Day: Finish anything that is not done, you MUST check past agendas (think about mitosis animation, final answers from TWO discussion groups, ask me if you think your done)

2. Adopt and axolotl (optional)
  • Pick an axolotl and use a google doc to write the phenotype and genotype
  • You will need to bring a small clean container that holds about .25 liters or more of water.
  • Bags of adult brine shrimp would be nice also if you live near aquatropics
  • You will start a spreadsheet and measure your axolotl (you can share with a partner) and take water temperature and keep track of any vital data
  • Keep them alive!

3. Choose one of your recent products and prepare it for peer review

4. Mitosis Dance preparation for Thursday!! (t-shirt color)

4. Find a scientist, check with me and prepare your email.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday February 4-5

1.5- Science math connection: 1 out of 50000 bacteria is resistant to penicillin (a drug that should kill them) . If there are more than 100 resistant bacteria, they can breed into a new colonoy that can't be stopped by drugs (AHHHH!). What is the highest number of bacteria we can allow to breed if we don't want the resistant bacteria to reproduce?

2. Genetics Quiz: Level 3=D, Level 4= C, Level 5=B, Level 6=A - http://pbskids.org/dragonflytv/games/game_dogbreeding.html

3. Contribute to this discussion: You will have these questions. http://groups.google.com/group/pressure-to-survive

4. Rate the answers. See if anyone used references on questions #4. If so, give them 5 stars for sure!!!

5. Gentics game with pressure!!

6. Continue next chapter on the virus article and add the answers to these questions to your google doc (which should already be a button)

-What virus is spreading due to long term environmental change?

-How does human population effect the spread of a virus?

-Why is it dangerous for us when mosquitoes and viruses change?

-What is putting pressure on mosquitoes and viruses to change? (the change or die method of survival!)

Monday, February 1, 2010

1. Take the tour - write a short summery on the "environmental change" on a google doc and make this a symbaloo button. This will be a longer assignment so don't loose it (make it a button!)
Answer these questions.
1. How does an environmental change effect the spread of viruses?
2. What environmental change helped the spread of the Hantavirus?
3. What could help us predict another outbreak of the Hantavirus?

2. Try Pandemic II again! - http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/fullscreen.php?game=Pandemic-2

3. Contribute to this discussion: You will have these questions. http://groups.google.com/group/pressure-to-survive

1. What pressures make the virus in the game Pandemic have to change to survive (and destroy).

2. How is the game similar to the axoltol's development in Lake Xochimilco? (Hint: what pressures were put on the axolotl (when it was a salamander) to change or die as a species?

3. How did neoteny (new word huh!) help the axolotls survival in Lake Xochimilco?

4. What pressures are on the axolotl today?

5. Optional game - survival game - http://science.discovery.com/interactives/literacy/darwin/darwin.html

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Agenda February 1

Science Game Day
1Pandemic II - evolve a deadly organism and destroy the Earth - pretty scary! http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/fullscreen.php?game=Pandemic-2
other games, for another day
1. Survival Game - Can your species make it a million years? http://science.discovery.com/interactives/literacy/darwin/darwin.html

2. Put together the bones of ancient creatures! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/games/skeleton_jigsaw/

3. Can you guess which animals are most closely related? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/change/family/index.html

5. Can you build a balanced food chain? http://puzzling.caret.cam.ac.uk/game.php?game=foodchain

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday

Tiger Salamander vs Axolotl!!

1. Genetics challenge (done with shoulder partner!) http://docs.google.com/View?id=dc2j9tpq_216czc477gh - (each of you must have your name on it - and have it on your symbaloo page - hint. . .make it a shared google document)

2. Finish Mitosis animation

3. Finish the 3 cell questions on google docs and tell us which students influenced you from the discussion group

4. Double check your symbaloo page is up to date with all assingments.

5. Check my last email for what is due today.

6. See me if you have finished all items on the email so I can guide your next step.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday January 26-27

1. Finish Mitosis Animations

2. Genetics Review (3o minutes after the bell - optional unless you missed last class)

2.5. Make a punnet square for two wild type heterozygous axolotls (Bb) . Out of 350 babies, about how many can we expect to be albino? (if you can't answer this, you must report to the genetics session)

3. Mitosis Dance Break

4. Go to the discussion forum and finish rating your classmates. When you complete this, use google docs to make official answers to the 3 questions. List which student's answers influenced you (like a citation)

5. Make sure these assignments and the discussion group site is posted on your symbaloo page.

6. Read this article http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/lsps07.sci.life.stru.celldiagram/

7. Answer the questions under (questions for discussion) - use google docs an post this to your symbaloo page

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Agenda Thursday and Friday January 21-22

1. Return to the discussion group on the differences between plant and animal cells.

2. Read through the answers and rate each post honestly.

3. Compose your best answer for each discussion question using google docs and cite which student's reply helped you the most.

4. Post this assignment on your symbaloo page

4.5 Begin genetics and Punnet squares (you must have evernote ready)

5. Finish mitosis animations

6. Continue to the next article (with interactive cell) http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/lsps07.sci.life.stru.celldiagram/


Monday, January 18, 2010

Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday Janurary 19-20

1. Read the article "Comparing Animal and Plant cells" - http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/tdc02.sci.life.cell.animplant/

2. Join this discussion group and answer each of the questions at this link http://groups.google.com/group/pkyscience7-cell-comparing

3. You will use this discussion to put your actual answers for me next class.

4. Continue your mitosis animation

4.5 - Post ALL of your assignments on your sybaloo page - you need to do some organization

6. Choose one (for 50 pts) from the list below (Don't forget to site your work)
- Describe the most important parts of a cell and describe what they do and why they are important.
-Describe the different types of cells that appear in bodies. Explain how they are different and what are their different funcitons.
-Embryology - Look at how an animal develops from a single egg and follows mitosis until in forms into a complete organism.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Agenda Wednesday and Thursday January 13-14

Here is another example of mitosis in animation.

1. Finish Mitosis animation

2. Look at the last agendas and finish the other cell related assignments

3. Your group will be called up to view human cells and cells in mitosis. You will need to put results in your evernote page.

4. Explain the difference between animal cell and plant cell (up to 50 pts, required) - There are many ways to do this, so be creative and have fun3.

5. Choose one (for 50 pts) from the list below

Choose the most important parts of a cell and describe what they do and why they are important.

Describe the different types of cells that appear in bodies. Explain how they are different and what are their different funcitons.

Embryology - Look at how an animal develops from a single egg and follows mitosis until in forms into a complete organism.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Science Agenda January 11-12

Here is an example of 'A' work (Ok it's professionally done!)

1. Check last agenda - You will probably be working on your mitosis animation. We will begin sharing these as you complete them.

2. There are other assingments that are worth points. You should begin these when you are done with you animations.

3. QUIZ - MITOSIS - (Dance)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Science Agenda Janurary 7-8

1. Begin cell mitosis animation (100 pts required)
2. Explain the difference between animal cell and plant cell (up to 50 pts, required) - There are many ways to do this, so be creative and have fun
3. Choose one (for 50 pts)

  • Choose the most important parts of a cell and describe what they do and why they are important.
  • Describe the different types of cells that appear in bodies. Explain how they are different and what are their different funcitons.
  • Embryology - Look at how an animal develops from a single egg and follows mitosis until in forms into a complete organism.

4. Look at earlier agendas to see what you are missing.

5. Brain break - Mitosis Dance introduction

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back - Science Agenda

This is a bit random, but the first dog looks like mine so I had to put it in!

1 Introduction of technology upgrades

1.5 Technology check - make sure you remember how to get to all of your stuff - blogger, evernote, mygradebook (you can check your final exam grade)

2. Prepare for Mitosis Olympics (after a brief speech from Mr. H - You will need your evernote account ready) - new words for evernote - spindle fibers, centrioles -- Old words - nucleus, cell membrane, nuclear membrane, chromosomes,

3. Make Mitosis Cards

4. Mitosis Olympics

5. Begin mitosis animation (use any program you want, I actually use powerpoint, I'll show you how)

Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!

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