Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday December 1-2

Science Agenda:

1. Check out this movie - Math and Tigers don't mix, or do they?

2. Top things to do:

  • finish Glogster for good

  • send email to scientist TODAY!

  • Complete paper on protists - Identify 5 and you get an 'A' - must be confirmed by me - there is a spreadsheet example on previous agendas

3. Quiz Quiz Trade - Brain Break

4. Grade Sheets Due at end of class

5. Other things to do -

  • Find another scientist if you do not have a response
  • Write your reply and have it checked by me

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday and Tuesday November 23-24

Science Agenda

1. Today is a work day.

1.5 - Have your email response to your scientist (if they wrote to you) checked by me before sending. Always copy me on the email when you contact a scientist.

2. You should be using the microscopes and investigating pond water. Here is an example of 'A' work spreadsheet!

2.5. Put some information in your evernote about these protist "main characters" - Stentor, paramecium, aboeba, spirogyra, blepharisma, paranema - also, these guys even though they are not protists - rotifer, daphnia,

3. Write your scientific paper on pond water investigations.

4. Look at ealier agendas to see what tasks you have.

5. Here is something cool: click on "camera trap" and see what they got on film:

7. Here is the data from our water testing in the creek. Copy and save this into your own google docs account so we can do something with it later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thursday November 19 - same as before

You Don't need sound with this video - use headphones if you do

Science Agenda
1. Log in to evernote, blogger, and google docs
1.5 Check email and be ready to respond politely to your scientist contact (if you have a contact) 3. Put these words and use your evernote to get descriptions - eukaryotic, prokaryotic, cell, protist, nucleus, flagella, cilia
4. Complete the S (State the problem), G (Gather information) , and H (hypothesis) of a scientific paper investigation on pond water
5. For the E (experiment), describe your steps and using a microscope
6. For the R (Record results) make a spreadsheet with the following fields - Observation # unicellular, multicellular, cilliate, flagellate, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, 10 second count (this helps you figure out how many protist there are in 10 seconds) , microenvironment description, water container #, water type, for 'A' students only protist identification - or. . .just be lazy and use my spreadsheet here :
7. This will help with identification: Riley K. found this great site!:
8. Here is a link to how to write a great email:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday November 15

Science Agenda Monday

It's a work day!
1. Finish your email to scientist (I sent you a good example)
2. Find your scientist
3. Let me know their name and university location
4. Finish any scientific papers (Cuban Tree Frogs, Pond water investigations)
5. Send email to Mr. C ( for Cunningham seal of approval
6. Work on glogsters
7. Anything else? See me

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday November 13

Agenda Friday (The 13th!!!)
1. Work Day
  • email to scientist
  • glogster
  • scientific paper on pond water
  • scientific paper on cuban tree frogs

Thursday, November 12, 2009

World Water Monitoring Day!

1. Watch this Video

2. Introduction to water monitoring day (open your evernote page for a couple of new words)

3. Water Testing and results

4. Do a blog on today's experience

5. Work on other work (glogster, email to scientist - check last classes agenda for examples, find scientist)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday and Tuescday November 9-10

Science Agenda:

1. Begin or Continue your research on what is in pond water: ask yourself these questions about your work:

  • Am I recording information accurately (which water I took from, what magnification I'm using, what species I think I saw, do I have a second opinion that I can document, )

  • Where exactly did I get my information when I identified it - internet, what site - book?

  • Did I write my hypothesis clearly?

  • Am I following the steps of a scientific paper?
2. Make a list of 3 possible contacts for your glogster project (outside scientists)
3. Send your email example to Mr. Cunningham
4. See me before sending your email - then send it if you are ready

Monday, November 2, 2009

Science Agenda November 3-4

Science Agenda Tuesday and Wednesday

1. Open Google Docs

2. Write an essential question (State the Problem) and hypothesis about the different types of pond water on the table. Thank about differences between water sources (where it comes from)

3. Under the (Experiment) section, write the directions on how to make a "wet mount" with the slides. Also, this is a good place to put a picture or explain what sort of equipment you are using.

4. Make wet mounts and record what you see. You can search for online pictures that match what you see, draw pictures (using paper or computers), compare sizes etc - use good accurate science.

5. Use internet, books etc to figure out what you are looking at. Bring more water for next class to continue research on what is in our water.

6. We will write a scientific paper on your results.
7. This will help with identification:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday November 2

Science Agenda

1. Take this survey first :

2. Email practice
  • You will practice your email to a scientist
  • Your shoulder partner is the "scientist"

3. Write an email to your scientist with a link to your work. You should have the following information

  • Your first name (no last names)
  • A one sentence description of who you are (grade level) and what school you attend
  • A one sentence description of your project and how they can get a hold of your teacher (Mr. H)
  • A polite request for them to veiw your project
  • 2-3 questions that you can ask them that will make your project better
  • A woking link to your project
  • A thank you and sincerely line

4. You will get an email from your partner and look for each of these things including spelling and grammer and check their email. Your partner will check yours

5. The email will then be sent to Mr. Cunningham for approval (

Here is a short example:

Hello,My name is Eliana. I am in 7th grade, currently attending P.K YongeDevelopmental Research School. I am doing a project in my scienceclass, and I would appreciate your opinion on the following:
- Is the information on this accurate?- Am I missing any information?- Do you find the information easy to understand, and appealing to read?
Please click here to view my project: "Put in glogster link"


PK Yonge

Teacher: Randy Hollinger


Which of these would be the worst class pet? (you may have to use the internet to help your desicion!)

Which application do you like best?

Who is the best class animal!